Happiness, Happeace, Happeaceology - To Joyfully Harmonize, Harness & Fulfill Rich Life Full of Fun

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We are Creating Local and Global Happiness - Happeace Foundations to Spread the General Awareness of Un-conditional Happiness, Love, Inner Peace, Local & Global Peace. For the same cause and to offer scholarships to needy beings - Your Donations are Aptly Profoundly Appreciated with Great - Graceful - Gratitude.

Did You Know that - You Can Improve Your Own Level of Happiness by any Kind of Kindness, including Donation..!!


Your Donation is an Act of Kindness, study has shown that any Act of Kindness, including Random or Regular, increases the Serotonin Level in the Brain, which is linked to Sense of Happiness and Well-Being. Not only that, even You can Reinforce and Inspiringly Intensify your field of Intentions (and Manifestations) - as aptly pointed out by many of the Enlightened, Enriching, Empowering Beings, including, Mr Wayne W. Dyer and many other Holistic Happiness - Associates.

Content and the Links on this page and on this web site are Created by us [by me and my Local and Global TEAMS - with deepest Thoughtfulness, Mindfulness and Heartfulness. – Because this site is not only about me – it is about me and my TEAM. – What – we Aptly call it – Our TEAM..!

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[As per my e-book VAcronym : TEAM = Together – Each – Attracts/Acts/Achieves/Affects Much-More-Miracles/Magic….!!]

As this is a dynamic site, with progressively better changes in content, the Content and the Links keep changing, so, please do book-mark, and visit often.

Soon, we will be adding inter-active Web2 content, where in, if you are selected or invited, you can add your content as well. You are also welcome to send your EOI [Expression of Interest to do so, through one of the contact forms on this site, as well..]

Want to see our - Youtube Segment? Just follow the link below..!:

NOW what you are about to read on this Web – site, Will – Wisely – Insightfully – Intelligently – Inspire YOU, in Amazing – Awesome way that You may not have thought or dreamed…! SO - Please do read it Watchfully – Mindfully – Heartfully…!

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It Encompasses – Encloses Profound Strategic – Special – Secrets to Joy – Fulfillment - PEACE – Passion – Purpose to Harmonized - Humanized - Humans from all Walks of Life, including Rich and Poor, Famous and Non-Famous, Celebrities and Non-Celebrities, Young and Old, Successful and Not-so-Successful...!

Irrespective of any of Your above status of Walk/s of Life, At – Times – even Many – Times Perhaps YOU have Wandered and Wondered about Some Thing missing in your life – some sort of Vacuum – Void, some thing – not Fulfilling in Some area/s of Your life…!

How to Live – And Let – Others Live the Fulfilling Life – Full of – Fun, Purpose – Peace - Passion – Vision – Mission – Success – Enjoyment – HOLISTIC - Health – Wealth - Joy – Contentment – Connection – Creative – Contribution - Caringness – Sharing-ness…?

This World-Wide-Wise-Wealthy-Win-Win-Wow-Website will VASTLY - Intelligently – Insightfully - Increase Your Height – Depth – Width – Breadth - Span of Your Life-Span’s - Awareness – Understanding – Personal - Growth – Development – Evolution and Transformation for the Progressively – Perpetually better NOW and the Future.


What it Matters –Most is NOW. NOW is the Key to Future. Future is Package - Part and Parcel of the Matrix – of - Expansion of Now..! Future is Fully dependent on NOW…!

Happiness at its Harmonizing - Holistic – Best - Form - NOW - in the Present Moment and at any Given moment is the HAPPEACE ® ™.

H A P P E A C E ® ™ as one of Vacronyms (Vastrad's - Acronyms)also implies:

H- Harnessing – Harvesting – Harmonizing - Holistic-Happiness- Health - Healing

A- Apt – Amazing – Actions – And – Attracting - Abundant- Achievements -Affluences

P- PEACE – Passion – Purpose - Perception

P – Prosperity – Processing - Procedures

E - Energy, Enthusiasm, Enjoyment

A – Appreciation of all of the A – to - Zs’- that are Enriching – Empowering - Fulfilling – Fun

C – Creativity – Contribution - Connection - Confidence-Charisma

E - Everlasting – Empowerment – Enrichment – Edutainment – ETC……

H A P P E A C E ® ™ - Now - is Also – An - Attractive – Acronym, Divinely - Diligently – Distilled – Designed by Dr Vastrad as part of the Enriching – Empowering – Edutaining – Ebooks / Special Report called VAcronyms [Vastrad – Acronyms].

H A P P E A C E ® ™ - Now - is Also Primary VAcronym [with many Secondary, Tertiary, Collateral Acronyms Within [CAW…!] for different Contexts –Contents – Creations – Connections – Careful - Contributions..!].

H A P P E A C E ® ™ is also a Cool - Compound word from the Creative – Combination of first four letters of the Word - HAPPINESS and all the letters of the Word PEACE

HAPPEACEOLOGY ® ™ - is The Science-Art-Magic - of the H A P P E A C E ® ™ which itself is The Science-Art-Magic – for YOUR Eternally - Enriching – Empowering - Fulfilling – Fun - Filled – Life and Life Styles - Harnessing – Harvesting – Harmonising - Holistic-Health - HAPPINESS - Perfecting - Passion, Purpose, Perception - Procedures - Physiology – Perpetual - PEACE Including - Un-conditional - Inner Joy – Happiness - Contentment – Bliss – Love - Trust , Youthfulness, & even more…

The H A P P E A C E O L O G Y ® ™ - Now - is Also – An - Attractive – Acronym, Divinely - Diligently – Distilled – Designed by Dr Vastrad as part of the Enriching – Empowering – Edutaining – E-book / Special Report called VAcronyms [Vastrad – Acronyms].

It is also Primary VAcronym [with many Secondary, Tertiary, Collateral Acronyms Within [CAW…!] for different Contexts –Contents – Creations – Connections – Careful - Contributions..!].

H A P P E A C E O L O G Y ® ™ as ONE of Vacronyms (Vastrad's - Acronyms)also implies: H- Harnessing – Harvesting – Harmonizing - Holistic-Happiness- Health – Healing

A- Apt – Amazing – Actions – And – Attracting - Abundant- Achievements - -Affluences

P- PEACE – Passion – Purpose – Perception

P – Prosperity – Processing - Procedures

E - Energy, Enthusiasm, Enjoyment

A – Appreciation of the entire A – to - Zs’ – that are Enriching – Empowering - Fulfilling – Fun

C – Creativity – Contribution - Connection - Confidence - Charisma

E - Everlasting – Empowerment – Enrichment – Edutainment – ETC…… L – Love - Loverage - Leverage - Laughter - Life-style - "LAWS – of the Universe"

O – Optimizing - Omnipresent – Omnipotent – Omniscient – Openness – Oneness – Opportunities…

G – Gracefulness – Gratefulness

Y – Yearning - Your – Youthfulness – Youngfinity...!

The word – “ HAPPEACEOLOGY ” ® ™ in - its - inner simplicity is Innovative – Invention of Dr Vastrad by the combination of the enriching – empowering words - HAPPINESS & PEACE. Albeit it is also Interesting - Inspirational, Insightful - Intelligent Innovative - VAcronym encompassing following and even other significant matters related to the Holistic Education, Inspiration, of the Human beings – locally & globally to Individually and Collectively to Progressively – Perpetually increase the Quality of Life through Win-Win solutions and SOULutions Enriching – Empowering – Each-other. Including - Un-conditional - Inner Joy – Happiness - Contentment – Bliss – Love - Trust , Youthfulness, Fulfilment – Fun & even more…

HAPPEACE ® ™ and HAPPEACEOLOGY ® ™ are also The Master Keys for The – Transformational - Transmuting Transcendental - “Unconditional – Happiness, Joy, Contentment, Peace, Love, Trust, Enrichment – Enjoyment – Enlightenment - Empowerment – Eternal - Etc”.

Happiness can be mastered through the Unique HAPPEACE ® ™ and HAPPEACEOLOGY ® ™ the Stepping Stones, Spring Boards, Launching Pads and High-Tech Run-Ways for Your – for YOUR Eternally - Enriching – Empowering - Fulfilling – Fun - Filled – Life and Life Styles.

If you have read so far… Congratulations…!

You have arrived at Unique Happiness site. Very Very Special Site [ V V S S]…!

For Very Very Resourceful Reason(V V R R)...!

Sooner or later You will Realise, Actualize and Appreciate that This site is Totally Transformational - Enriching – Empowering – Nurturing - Alluring – Full of Fun and Unique..! This site is always meant to be Creative - Caring - Sharing to Enhance - Enrich Your Well - Being - Experiences, Enjoyments.

At the very out set you may be wondering, "what is in it for you?” The simple answer is that – "what is NOT in it for you?” - You will have every Creative thing you Wish - Need - Desire - Dream - Intend...!

You will have the Wealth of Rich Intelligent Inspirational Spectrum of Resources to Infinitely Intelligently Insightfully Improve your Holistic Happiness, Health, Healing – Harnessing – Harvesting – Harmonizing your Holistic Quality of life in All Areas of your life.

Just to mention briefly - Areas of your life - include – Your - Body (Physical), Mind (Mental), Spirit (Spiritual) Finance (Financial), Intelligence (Intellectual), Relationship (Relational), Emotions (Emotional), and Society (Social).

Other Active Areas of Your life are included with other links on this site. They include – and – Congruently – Connectedly - Collectively - Creatively – Correspond to Many facets , and Dimensions or Realms/Domains of The High-Net-Worth-Happiness-Happeace-Now.

They include Vacational (related to your Holidays…!), Vocational (related to Job/Work/Hobbies/Home) and even more…!

Enriching You - Enriches Us, Empowering You Empowers Us, Enthusing You Enthuse Us, Inspiring You - Infintely Inspires Us....!

For more information - please do - Feel - Free - to Contact us through the various Contact links on this site.

We are all The High-Net-Worth Beings, The Happiness-Happeace-Now further Enhances Even More..!

To further improve Your High-Net-Worth - Value, Please do feel free to browse amazing resources by clicking the amazon link below:

Disclaimer and Policy Updates

Content and the Links on this page and on this web site Created by us, Our Associates are for information and educational purposes, to enhance and improve Holistic Quality of Life in best possible interest.

As each person is unique, you are encouraged to seek personal, professional, responsible, competent, creative advice as required, and as indicated. Any of us, Our Associates are happy to assist you further in any creative and constructive way as per individual indication/s.

We may update/change Content, Links, and Privacy Policy from time to time. Periodically, we will update/change accordingly , so be sure to check back periodically.

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If you have any questions, comments or concerns about our Privacy Updates and Policy, you may contact us by submitting your inquiry through one of our contact forms (on other pages)/channels and/or Join our Inspirational Insightful News Letters and Unique Updates by simply entering your name and email below.

We Aptly Appreciate, Respect and Regard your Privacy. Thank you for visiting/browsing. Please do visit again, as we always keep Updating Unique Creative Content.

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Imagine - Inspire, Connect - Create - Convey - Care - Contribute - Cherish - Celebrate...

During my Happy and Joyful – Journey - I have met many Happy and Joyful People. I have been profoundly, Gracefully – Grateful to them, and their Associates.
About-us, Happeace, Best-Happiness, Happeaceology
Happiness Happeace Blogs
The Happiness, Happeace and Happeaceology are the Precious Premier Keys to many Enriching, Empowering, Doors [Dimensions] For, Fulfilling, Fun_Filled Life and Life Styles.
Happiness-in-2010, Happy-New-Year for Happiness, Happeace, Happeaceology, Joy and Much More
The Ultimate Happy-Body is also HOLISTIC-BODY, which is Aligned, Balanced, Congruently Centered, Divinely Energized, Fun Loving, Youthful high-net-worth Valuable Asset. It is Key Factor to Anti-Aging
Happiness, Holistic, Health
Happiness, Holistic-Health of men are key indicators
Happiness - in its purest, unique - uncondtional form emanates and radiates from the spirit - YOUR Higher self the inner self
High-Net-Worth Strategies to Enhance Your Holistic-Health-Wealth-Happiness- HAPPEACE ® ™ -Wellbeing - Now - Even More - are made available Free to You by us with courtesy of our HAPPEACEOLOGY ® ™
Get-Outsourced-For-Happiness - Happeace - Foundation
Happy Investments
Happy Investments are for Happiness of You and Others
The Inspiring Happy Difference
The Inspiring Difference
Get Creative
Getting Creative Is easy By Following Your Passion
Prime Quality Of Life Events
Soon We will be Announcing Our coming events for This Year and Next Year...!

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