Happy and Joyful People

During my Happy and Joyful – Journey - I have met many Blissful and Joyful People. I have been profoundly, Gracefully – Grateful to them, and their Associates.

The Key - Dimension of Science, Arts, and Miracles of H A P P E A C E ® ™ is: Harnessing – Harvesting - Holistic – Happiness – Healing - Harmony

I observed few common factors between me and them. If you incorporate these common factors in your day to day life – You too can be cheerful, and make others too in high spirits and Joyful.

The common factors are:

PurposePassionVisionMissionWillingness to progressively and constantly improve:

Personal and Collective Awareness

Personal and Collective Development

Personal and Collective Growth

Personal and Collective Evolution – Enabling – Enrichment Empowerment – Edutainment (Education/Entertainment)

Personal and Collective Transformation – Through Transcending.

This way YOU too can JOIN me and my Associates to Create the WORLD of H A P P E A C E ® ™ - - where the Happiness, Peace, Joy, Love, Caring, Sharing are Intelligently – Insightfully Integrated with WIN – WIN solutions and SOULutions.

Over the course of time - My Team will be gradually uploading/updating my pictures with some more of Happy and Joyful People who are indeed – Enriching – Empowering many People.

Mean - Time You can view some of the following pictures:

Dr Deepak Chopra[Centre], Leon Nacson, Dr Raj Vastrad

Happy, Spiritual, Dream Interpretation

Deepak is very inspirational, so also Leon. Deepak and Leon have written some amazing books, which I will be adding soon on my site. They also have inspired me to write some of my books, including the one, called "Spirituality in the work place", which I have co-authored with some of the inspirational Australian/International Authors. I had opprtunity to catch up with them on few occasions.

You too can be Happy, increase Your Quality of Life and High – Net - Value and High - Net – Worth by associating with Like Minded Empowering and Enriching beings.

Olivia Newton-John, Raj Vastrad

Hollywood - Actor -  Actress, Singer, Inspirational

Olivia Newton-John is very kind, inspirational and talented Hollywood actress and singer. It is good to know from her about Collective - Connectedness. It is interesting Synchrodestiny that, I had an opportunity to work with Olivia's brother Hugh, in Victoria (Australia), who is also inspirational and talented Cardiologist.

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Happy, Joyful Relationship with Yourself and Others :

Dr Barbara De Angelis & Dr Raj Vastrad

Love, Relationship, inspirational, personal growth

Happy, Joyful Relationship - starts with Yourself so that you can Enrich, Empower Yourself & Others. Your level of personal growth is directly proportional to your Relationship..! One of the inspirational and influential teachers of our time in the field of relationships and personal growth is Dr Barbara De Angelis. I had an opportunity to meet Dr Barbara De Angelis in Orlando, USA.

Jay Abraham - Raj Vastrad & Other - People - Resources

Money, Wealth, Fortune-100, Fortune-500

Jay is Genius of Actionable Strategies for Money and Creating Wealth. He has close association with Many Fortune 500 companies, and many Pre-eminent inspirational and influential individuals, including Tony Robbins, Mark Victor Hansen, Alex Mandossian, just to name few. Jay has made Billions for others. I had great opportunity to share stage with Jay and some of his close associates. Jay inspired me to write one of my New Books, called Other - People - Resources (this book includes a Special Chapter on: Other - People - Money). This book is in Pre-Print-Phase. If you wish to have a discounted copy, please do contact, through any contact form on this site.

Mark Victor Hansen - Raj Vastrad & Books

Book, writing, passion, Happeace, Happiness

Mark Victor Hansen has focused For more than 3 decades on helping people and organizations - from all walks of life, to reshape their personal mission of what's possible. I had the pleasure, privilage, and honor to catch up with Mark, and share his inspirational insights about writing book and beyond.

Dr Martin Seligman - Dr Raj Vastrad & Happiness

Happiness, Happeace, Joy, positive, Psychology

Dr Martin Seligman is founder of Positive Psychology, a new branch of psychology which focuses on the study of such things as positive emotions, and healthy institutions.I had the opportunity, profound pleasure, privilage, and honor to catch up with Martin, and share his Positive insights about the Positive Psychology. This inspired me to create a newer branch of psychology - called - Intelligent Psychology, to balance between the the positive and negetive emotions, and psychology. This I will be discussing in my other - about to be released book.

Sachin Tendulkar, Family & Friends

Art, Science, and Magic of Pleasure, Happiness, Joy, Bliss, and Beyond, through Happeace and Happeaceology

It was Great Delight to catch up with Sachin Tendulkar, the contemporary Cricket Legend, at the Dinner in King (Raj..!) Wharf, in Sydney, Australia.Same day he had scored double century in Sydney Cricket Ground. Recently he scored double century in One day International too.He is first & last one so far to make the double century in One day International..!He has approached one record after another but he ensured he was never lost in the moment. As he has aptly said that, the keyfactor for his success has been his Passion. Similarly, my success has been Aligned-Balanced-Centered-Driven by Passion and Purpose, through Happeace and Happeaceologyto improve the Human - awareness - in the Domain of Art, Science, and Magic of Pleasure, Happiness, Joy, Bliss,

With Dr Cas Swinger M.D, [One of the Leading Ophthalmic Surgeons] & Mrs Swinger, in Orlando, Florida, USA.

Innovative and Pioneer in the Field of Art, Science, and Magic of Pleasure, Happiness, Joy, Bliss, and Beyond, through Happeace and Happeaceology

Dr Cas Swinger, M.D., Is the "refractive surgeon’s" surgeon, is an internationally renowned pioneer in refractive surgery.An aerospace electronic engineer to start with Leading to become an Ophthalmic surgeon.* Performed first refractive surgery (vision correction) in the USA in 1977* Performed the first LASIK-like surgery in the USA* Developer of solid-state UV laser and first in world to perform surgery with a small spot scanning laser and eye tracker* One of ten investigators in the USA for the VISX laser FDA trials* Only ophthalmologist in the world to have developed two instruments used in the LASIK procedure, a microkeratome and a laser

Like Cas, I am inspired to be Innovative and Pioneer in the Field of Art, Science, and Magic of Pleasure, Happiness, Joy, Bliss, and Beyond,through Happeace and Happeaceology

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With Dr John Demartini and Starr

With Dr John Demartini and Starr

I had great opportunities to catch up with Dr John Demartini, on many occasions. John is indeed inspiring and insightful. Our philosophies are congruent, especially with the one, where-in John says that by transcending one level of illusion we must be ever ready to go on-to the next level that catches us. We must appreciate these tests of illusion along the infinite journey. John has intelligently infuenced me in the key areas. I am really inspired to help others, to improve Holistic Quality of Life. In the picture above we are laughing over an inspiring joke.

Very soon I will be starting Laughter and Fun Yoga programs (based on my raj-fun-yoga , so, please do visit this site often, as I keep adding some enriching - rich content on this site as often as possible..! - So until next time - keep laughing..!!

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