About-us, Happeace, Best-Happiness, Happeaceology. This web-site is a part of the Bigger Picture, Vision, Mission, Passion, Purpose of Dr Raj

Dr Raj Message :

About-US, About-HAPPEACE ®™, About-Best-Happiness, and About HAPPEACEOLOGY®™

Hi & Namaste !!

This is Dr Raj from Sydney, Australia.

Hearty welcome to this Content – Rich – High - Net - Worth site.

[Raj or Dr Raj is shorter version of my name which you will find later in my profile].

Some of You – may already know me directly or indirectly..!

I call this page About Us – because this site is not only about me – it is about me and my TEAM. – let me better call it – Our TEAM..!

[as per my e-book VAcronym : TEAM = Together – Each – Attracts/Acts/Achieves/Affects Much-More-Miracles/Magic….!!]

Some of you are my current TEAM Members/Associates/Assistants/MMG [Master Mind Group] members, Inner Circle Members - some will be the future ones.

Some of you might have been my students or teachers or mentors [fortunately I have lots of them].

Some of you are my Best Relatives and Friends [God has Beautifully - Blessed me with many of them all around the Universe], I am Abundantly – Appreciative, Totally – Thankful, Gracefully – Grateful for the same – those of you who is reading this – you know very well that you are indeed one of them, I Aptly – Acknowledge Your Greetings – Best wishes – Blessings and I Readily - Reciprocate, Highly Honor, Continuously - Cherish the same.

Some of you might have seen me on the TV..! [some times I do programs on Laughter…related to Holistic Health & Well Being.. in a Sydney TV channel..!]

Some of You – will Miraculously - Meet me some time in The Fortunate - Future as our paths might intersect at some Creative - Cross roads of this magnificent journey on this magical planet.

Bye & Namaste

R-A-J (Resourceful - Amazing - Joyful)

We are Creating Local and Global Happiness - Happeace Foundations to Spread the General Awareness of Un-conditional Happiness, Love, Inner Peace, Local & Global Peace. For the same cause and to offer scholarships to needy beings - Your Donations are Aptly Profoundly Appreciated with Great - Graceful - Gratitude.

Did You Know that - You Can Improve Your Own Level of Happiness by any Kind of Kindness, including Donation..!!


Your Donation is an Act of Kindness, study has shown that any Act of Kindness, including Random or Regular, increases the Serotonin Level in the Brain, which is linked to Sense of Happiness and Well-Being. Not only that, even You can Reinforce and Inspiringly Intensify your field of Intentions (and Manifestations) - as aptly pointed out by many of the Enlightened, Enriching, Empowering Beings, including, Mr Wayne W. Dyer and many other Holistic Happiness - Associates.

For Limited time, we are offering Free Happiness, Happeace, High-Net-Worth, E-News Letters - Subscription - to add extra value to You. We Highly - Honor and Respect YOUR Privacy. We keep all of Your information Strictly Confidential – without Disclosing to any other Resources. Also we shall offer bonus surprises including Free E-Reports, Free Tickets to Happiness-Happeace International Events - and even more...!




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We ensure to use it mainly to send you Free Happiness, Happeace, High-Net-Worth, E-News Letters & related important messages/updates

Message from Dr Raj’s Team:

This is our pleasure to include this segment on behalf of Dr Raj's Local and Global Teams.

Dr Raj or Raj is short name for Dr Raj Vastrad Apart from being an Orthopaedic Micro - Surgeon, Dr Raj Vastrad is an International Inspiring Professional Purposeful Passionate Speaker, Author, Business Consultant, Founder of many Businesses, Philosopher, Holistic Healer, Research Scientist, Creator of many best selling e-books, e-articles, e-reports and an Investor in Health-Wealth-Wisdom-Love-Grace-Gratitude-PEACE and the Other areas of life, as mentioned in the web-site.

Dr Vastrad is also the Founder and Creator of the Intelligently - Integrated–Insightful-Innovative - Trademarked - Brand names called “HAPPEACE” ® ™ and “HAPPEACEOLOGY”® ™ - to Intelligently - Integrate - Infinite Apt - Aspects, Insightful - Innovations & Profound - Possibilities of the Infinite - Intelligent Higher - Human Powerful - Potentials by Holistically - Harnessing – Harvesting – Harmonizing of the Human Body – Mind – Spirit – Individually & Collectively.

At any time you want to be member of our any of our Teams, please write to us with attention to: Alexa, via any of our contact forms on this site.

We will be soon offering Free Memberships Globally to our Various Master-Mind-Groups [MMG]so that you can link with the like minded Creative People locally &/or Globally. If you are interested, please write to us with your EOI [Expression of Interest].Dr Raj is going add lots of value through his Strategic creativity and Connections...

Further links will be added as per the future Programs and Projects – please do re –visit, stay Tuned – in, and/or contact us.

Please read further below to see Raj's profile via the marked Link.

Soon we & Dr Raj will be adding more info here & in our Blogs....! So watch the Space..!

Thanks and Enjoy


Inspired Team Leader for Dr Raj's Teams


Brief Profile of Dr Raj Vastrad and his various Programs/Projects can be found by clicking this link.

Further links will be added as per the future Programs and Projects – please do re –visit, stay Tuned – it, and/or contact us.

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